About us

In 1993 our enterprise was started by Bob McCauley, the Founder. He began bottling premium Michigan Mineral Water in Dewitt, MI, to sell & deliver. Quality water and hydration have been the foundation of our natural health philosophy from day one. In 1995 The Watershed was established in Lansing, MI. We were the first company to begin selling Water Ionizers and Ionized Water by the gallon in the United States. Ionized water is a very important step into truly discovering and exploring natural health.

Over the years, The Watershed would become the largest importer of Water Ionizers and Chlorella in N. America, become the N. American exclusive representative for the Taiwan Chlorella Manufacturing Company, start the early 2000s Achieving Great Health radio program, trademark both Nature Built & Dr. Bob’s Naturals brand, tablet both Spirulina and Chlorella with herbal extracts (which were the first on the market), publish several books on natural health written by Dr. Bob, develop in house stream-lining efficiency at our own warehouse for our own affordable products, and of course, become The Watershed Wellness Center of today.

Though our approach to natural health has evolved with several components to it, our philosophy is simple and consistent. It is that the body is The Temple of God. That the body can cure itself of ANY disease. That the mainstream medical establishment has not only gone out of its way to deceive and deprive you of true health but has made things far worse in the process. And to provide natural health products for a solid health protocol that can help you with your ailments. We are here to help you heal and improve your body, mind, and spirit the natural way.

God Bless,