Dr. Bob’s Parasite Killer Formula - 60 Capsules:
The Power of Dr. Bob’s Papaya Seed Powder Combined with Even More!
This blend is a powerful combination that takes the essential Papaya Seed Powder which is known for promoting blood and digestive support. and combines it with golden seal leaf, clove powder, Chanca Piedra, Wormwood, Guarana, Bearberry, Epazote, Pumpkin seed, grapefruit seed, mimosa pudica, cayenne pepper, & black walnut hull. This combination ascends to another level.
A Powerful Cleanser & Parasite Killer
The Power of Papain!
“Papaya seeds carry something called papain, a key digestive enzyme that enhances digestion & gastrointestinal activity.”
Fighting & Killing off Digestive Parasites
Parasites thrive in the digestive tract. Papaya seeds solve this…
Papaya seeds contain an alkaloid known as carpaine, which kills intestinal worms and amoeba parasites.
How To Take Dr. Bob's Parasite Killer Capsules
The capsules can be consumed with water & or any other healthy beverage (juice, tea). Best to take on an empty stomach for the best results, and to take probiotics 2 hours later.
Who Benefits From Dr. Bob's Parasite Killer Capsules
Parasite Killer is great for anyone who:
- Those who want to kill potential & confirmed parasites in their digestive tract
- Wants to promote their liver & kidney health.
Top 6 Health Benefits of Dr. Bob’s Parasite Killer
- Papaya Seeds have antioxidant properties with high amounts of flavonoid and phenolic acid compounds.
- Excellent for liver and kidney health and assist with cleansing them.
- Provides blood support.
- Contains papain, a key digestive enzyme that enhances digestion and gastrointestinal functions.
- Papaya Seed powder is often used as a black pepper substitute.
- FAMOUS for their ability to remove parasites from the body.
Suggested Use: Take 1-3 Capsules in the morning on an empty stomach with a tall glass of water. Take probiotics later on.
Contents: 22.5gm Golden seal leaf, Papaya Seed Powder, Clove powder, Chanca Piedra, Wormwood, Guarana, Bearberry, Epazote, Pumpkin Seed, Grapefruit Seed, Mimosa pudica, Cayenne pepper, & Black Walnut Hull
DOES NOT CONTAIN Gluten, wheat, dairy, corn, soy, GMOs, or yeast.
Warning: Store away from heat and moisture.
Why is Papaya Seed Powder so beneficial?
Though native to Mexico & Central America Papayas are cultivated all over the world, and for centuries Papaya seeds have been world-renowned for helping a person’s digestion. Turned into a powder form Papaya seeds have high amounts of flavonoid and phenolic acid compounds. They are excellent for liver and kidney health and assist with cleansing them.
Why is this combination of papaya seeds & other herbal extracts so powerful?
Papaya Seeds are known for eradicating parasites, but we wanted to take it a step further. The combination of the added herbal extracts will kill viruses, bacteria, yeast, mold, and fungus in the digestive tract. Everything healthwise begins in a person’s gut. So sometimes after a period of toxicity in the body, it would benefit all of us to reset the digestive tract completely. That’s what the parasite killer accomplishes. It will wipe everything clean in the digestive tract and therefore it can start over with probiotics later on!
What time of day should I take the parasite killer?
First thing in the morning when there is nothing in your system with a tall glass of water is ideal. If taking 2-3 capsules wait at least 4 hours before taking any new probiotics or eating. If 6-8 then you’ll want to wait at least till the end of the day, and you’ll have a whole new digestive tract!
How long should I take the parasite killer?
It depends on how severe the bacterial, fungal, or parasitical infestation is in your digestion. For minor bugs, a single morning may be all that’s needed. For more severe infections, you may want to take the capsules for a 2-3 days.
How does Dr. Bob’s Parasite Killer Powder differ from Dr. Bob’s Parasite Killer Capsules?
Parasite killer powder works well when mixed into water but it can have a rather strong & unpleasant taste. The capsules simply make taking it to be more convenient, especially for children who are pickier about flavors. Both the powder and tablets are sourced from the highest quality facilities, and it will be on the customer to CHOOSE how to take them.
Why should I buy from you?
I myself have been skeptical of conventional medicine for decades. I understand the hesitancy to trust someone new with your health.
However, as a naturopathic doctor with multiple books describing our health philosophy, I have spent over three decades dedicated to empowering people like you to take back their health.
Nothing is more important to me than helping you achieve optimal health, and I've done so by offering you my expert knowledge on this website.
If you'd like to read more about exactly who I am & why you should trust me with your journey to achieve excellent health, please visit my blog here!